Lately I’ve been somewhat obsessed with my new Instagram account (you may have noticed)… I hadn’t realised how powerful a documentary tool it could be both in framing what I see for people who follow my work, and for me personally as a diary… and like a diary, it helps nut things out and opens new directions. Here is an expansion of recent instagrams, and explanation in relation to my process and what makes me tick.
It may or may not be obvious, but I don’t always paint with brushes. In the process of creating images, I utilise the chemical properties of different paints. Furthermore, I employ nature (to mimic nature): gravity, heat, ice, precipitation, and I put to use the camber and undulations of the ground.
Paint can flow like the water it represents...
(Detail of a work in progress)
Paint can grow like trees and wilt like flowers...
(Base layers of 'Enchanted Swamp')
Paint can expand and flower...
(In studio experimentation)
It can combine with other paint products, like algae and fungi which combine reciprocally to form lichen...
(Detail of 'Eco Echo III' - yet to be finished)
Paint can reflect the fractals of micro (cellular) and macro (galactic), just as they reflect each other...
(Segment of 'Catch My Drift')
My process directly relates to my themes and interests, and much of what inspires me is within the act painting itself: what I see in the ‘accidents' created is what appeals to me in nature, and vice-versa, what interests me in nature, I like to find and frame in paint. It’s a symbiotic and circular process, if that makes sense. :)
I hope this was interesting for you, and please leave a comment as I would love to hear your thoughts. I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions about abstraction lately, so that post is coming up. Also, if YOU have an arts related blog, feel free to post a link for me to visit and see what you’re up to. Ciao for now, and thanks for visiting. :)
(Oh, and you can find me on Instagram by clicking the camera icon below right).